Sometimes people suffer from ailments that they mistake for hemorrhoids though they are not. Fissures, abscesses and fistulas can be mistaken for hemorrhoids. Fissures are just tears in the rectum. They can be painful and can cause bleeding but with a little care and patience they usually heal rather quickly. Abscesses are infections within the rectum or anus and should be treated. If they are external, in the anus a topical antiseptic may do the trick. Internal abscesses may require treatment by a medical physician. Fistulas are another matter. They are basically abnormal hollow spaces. between the rectum and the anus. They are generally a result of untreated abscesses, are infected and because of the location, infection is difficult to cure. Nevertheless, a fistula, though painful and dangerous is not a hemorrhoid, which is painful but not really dangerous.

Hemorrhoids are largely caused by excess physical pressure on the rectum or anus. Veins exist within the rectum and anus, designed to help with the process of waste elimination. Constipation, diarrhea, and a number of other related problems can cause hemorrhoids. Pregnancy and being overweight can also cause hemorrhoids. Some health care professionals have indicated that they believe hemorrhoids may also be hereditary in some cases.
The best form of hemorrhoid treatment is to try to not get them in the first place. How? Watch what you eat. Try to make sure you’ve got a significant amount of fiber in your diet. Eat things like whole grain bread, bran cereals, oats, fruits and vegetables. Drink a lot of clean water. Try to avoid eating things that cause constipation or diarrhea. Try to watch your weight.
Also, during the process of waste elimination, be patient. Don’t try to rush the process because that adds strain to the rectum and anus. Watch out for this especially if you are pregnant or overweight.
If you’re looking for a hemorrhoid treatment program you can find one. Over 770,000 Websites are available for the search terms ‘hemorrhoid treatment’ on google.com. Do any of them work? Well most of them do not but here are a few suggestions as to how you might find some relief.
One ingredient that people use is witch hazel. This is in a number of over the counter creams and salves. Some people have claimed that cold compresses on the anal area helps. Others have indicated that a ‘sitz’ bath or a sitting bath helps relieve pain and itching.
Yes, hemorrhoids are a pain in the butt but you can make use of preventative measures. If you’re suffering from hemorrhoids and need immediate relief, you can pretty readily find a hemorrhoid treatment that is sure to alleviate your discomfort.. Some hemorrhoid treatment programs claim to be able to completely, permanently cure hemorrhoids.